Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

Learn about digital marketing and its trends

Digital marketing is the best tool to generate sales digitally, in this article some trends that will mark the growth of this field for 2021 will be exposed

Joao Aguirre Strategy and innovation

By Joao Aguirre

  • In the world of social media, the pace of change has always been rapid, but 2018 has marked a real turning point.

    Those related to privacy and integration came from afar and reached their critical point with the crisis of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. Users began to question the value that networks provide and began to look for other, more meaningful ways of interaction. In this context, a series of individual formats have been appearing intending to establish connections and share content, from Instagram stories to the explosion in the use of messaging.

    A radically new digital paradigm is emerging, and leading brands are already adapting. Consumers want to be treated as individuals and not as demographics, and they demand more value in exchange for their time and information. The situation of social networks has returned to its roots, to the real, to the personal and the authentic.

    Where does this leave brands relying on social media to reach their customers, prospects, employees, partners, and other audiences? How can they properly create authenticity and intimacy while working with limited time and budget? How can you support your customers throughout their shopping journey by promoting loyalty and thus increasing the ROI of activities carried out on social networks?

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  • Digital marketing is one of the fields that has shown exponential growth in recent years, which is why analysing what trends are going to make the future can anticipate the growth of your business.

    1) Shoppable post

    Social media is an integral part of digital marketing and is increasingly linked to purchasing. An example of this is Instagram Shopping, which allows brands to tag their products in photos and videos and users buy them directly on the network itself.

    More and more options are available to us to link conversions with activity on social networks directly, so in 2020 we expect these features to become increasingly important.

    2) From the search engine to the marketplace

    Until recently, search engines were the absolute leaders for product or service inquiries. But now, 55% of Americans have started searching directly for products on Amazon.

    According to a Forrester Research study, more than 50% of online purchases are made from the leading marketplaces in the world: Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay. This figure is expected to increase to 67% by 2022.

    3) Storyscaping

    For many years, brands have used storytelling to connect with potential customers and communicate their values. But now a new trend in digital marketing is emerging: storyscaping.

    The concept of story escaping emerged in 2014 with the publication of the book Storyscaping: Stop Creating Ads, Start Creating Worlds (“Storyscaping: stop creating ads and start creating worlds”) by Gaston Legorburu and Darren McColl. In his own words, story shaping consists of “an environment of emotional and transactional experiences where each connection inspires interactions with others so that the brand becomes part of the consumer’s story.”

    4) Viraljacking

    Viraljacking is a concept that we have created at Cyberclick as an evolution of newsjacking.

    Newsjacking is based on creating relevant content about your brand related to current news. Instead, viraljacking seeks first to identify viral content on social networks and then transform it to adapt it to the message that interests us as a brand. Ultimately, what we do is join existing viral conversations.

5) Video podcast

The concept of a video podcast or videocast is straightforward: it is merely about making a radio program recorded on video to show what is happening and who is behind the microphones. It allows you to make better users feel closer to the brand.

6) Google Ads smart bidding

Smart bidding is a subset of automatic bidding strategies that use machine learning to get more conversions or improve the conversion value at each auction.

For advertisers, this feature enables you to optimize and automate bids with advanced machine learning, a wide variety of contextual cues, flexible performance controls, and transparent performance reporting.

7) Segmentation by audience

Now Google Ads allows you to add audience targeting to ad groups to reach users based on who they are, their interests and habits, what they are looking for or how they have previously interacted with your company.

Depending on the different types of campaigns, you can use various audience segmentation and even create layer audiences. That is, it will be possible to combine demographic and keyword targeting to design extremely relevant ads.

8) Automation of pay per click

Pay per click automation has become a compelling way to improve the performance of our campaigns. In recent years, large SEM companies like Google have invested large budget lines to create and develop their automation options.

To take full advantage of this functionality, we must make it easier for algorithms to learn with our campaigns and thus improve themselves. Automations need human supervision to control their evolution, but they help us free up some of our time to dedicate to more qualitative tasks.

9) Advertise on Pinterest

On March 6, 2019, one of the biggest news in social media advertising of recent times arrived in Spain: Pinterest Ads.

Due to the peculiarities of the social network, advertising on Pinterest has more in common with advertising on search engines than with traditional social ads.

And as always when a new platform appears, we marketers have to investigate how it works and how we can apply it to our brands. We tell you everything so you can start advertising on Pinterest by clicking on this content.

10) Progressive forms

The forms are a necessary tool to qualify the contacts and assess whether we are dealing with a potential client or not. But if we ask for too much information, the visitor may become saturated and leave us.

The progressive forms solve this dilemma in an intelligent way, since they remind the user and only show him the fields that he has not completed on previous visits. In this way, we will be able to progressively qualify the contact over several visits.

11) Automation of data analysis

It is estimated that by 2020 over 40% of data-driven tasks will be automated. As a result, productivity will improve, and unskilled data scientists will be able to take better advantage of the information. Also, this trend will be a great help for decision makers.

12) Automated management of business content

In 2020 it is estimated that 95% of audiovisual content will be analyzed by machines and that this market will reach 59,870 million dollars.

The machines will use data analysis to provide detailed reports that support the company’s digital initiatives and help it detect new business opportunities.

If you want to download the digital trends report for 2019 access here!

For now that’s all!. Remember that if you want help in topics such as innovation or strategy, I am Ph.D. (doctor)

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Greetings and see you next article or video!

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